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absolute entropy造句

"absolute entropy"是什么意思  
  • The entropy determined relative to this point is the absolute entropy.
  • The absolute entropy for these compounds from which the Standard Gibbs Free Energy of Formation can be calculated.
  • The second calculates the "'absolute entropy "'( S ) of a system based on the microscopic behaviour of its individual particles.
  • Mathematically, the absolute entropy of any system at zero temperature is the natural log of the number of ground states times Boltzmann's constant } }.
  • The heat capacity must be zero at zero temperature in order for the above integral not to yield an infinite absolute entropy, which would violate the third law of thermodynamics.
  • With the viewpoint of systems ecology, a property of matter like absolute entropy is seen as anthropocentric because it is defined relative to an unobtainable hypothetical reference system in isolation at absolute zero temperature.
  • Entropy can be calculated for a substance as the standard molar entropy from absolute zero ( also known as absolute entropy ) or as a difference in entropy from some other reference state which is defined as zero entropy.
  • For example, the size of the atom will affect the absolute entropy of the solvation complex, so exchanging A for B will result in a change in dS . Also, the solvation enthalpy will be different, as A and B will bind with water molecules with slightly different strengths, so dH will be different for the two.
  • It's difficult to see absolute entropy in a sentence. 用absolute entropy造句挺难的
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